Human rights in Germany


To a question on human rights in Germany. Today has incidentally come across article in the Russian mass-media. Has translated it on English language. Article has seemed to me very interesting. I suggest to familiarize to my readers.


The Russian-speaking population in Germany more than other national minorities suffers from infringement of the civil rights local authorities. Lawyer-legal expert Harry Murej is assured of it, engaged by protection of the rights of natives of Russia. As he said, having moved to Germany, they have got in the real ‘ a penal battalion ‘, ‘ firings ‘ from which is not expected.


When we have opened in Cologne branch of German League under human rights (it is one of the oldest organizations under human rights in Germany, 100 years existing almost, except for the period of 1933-1948 when the organization was under an interdiction) have collided that people elementary are afraid to state the the point of view on an existing situation. Being afraid, that reprisals — on them will follow and their relatives will start to put pressure. Can to deprive, for example, with the social benefit, the medical insurance, to create problems at work.


I in general am convinced, that in Germany is not a lawful state, as, for example, the Great Britain, Switzerland, France or the USA. Very few people knows, that for almost 70 years of the post-war existence Germany and has not got own constitution. In spite of the fact that German authorities persistently blow continually, that ‘ in Germany there is a Constitution ‘, it mismatches the validity. It is replaced with the temporary Organic law of 1949.


Further it is possible to note, that almost all laws in the country are directed on protection of authorities, court and police. Federal referenda are forbidden. To be judged madly expensive. The state like would provide the right to the free lawyer, but it will be the defender from court that is, in 70-80 percent of cases business will be lost. The court of the second instance passes even without your participation — only the judge and lawyers of sides. That is you will condemn even without your participation.

Well and finally, the most surprising instant: the judge never signs a verdict personally. We repeatedly addressed with requirements to provide to us the original of the decision, but always received only a copy where there is a printed surname of the judge without its signature. Probably, it occurs because the judge here — not an elective office, as in other European states. It is appointed by Minister of Justice of specific region. Though, probably, main reason is covered and in absence of the responsibility of the state for the damage which has arisen owing to actions of the state body or the civil servant. Each “employee” bears the responsibility personal property according to article 839 German civil уложения. And what for to the judge to risk?


That abundantly clear, that “verdict” without the judicial signature from the legal point of view is completely deprived the right force and is insignificant.

Here subject matter of criticism of Germany for non-observance of human rights very painful and it is strict табуированная. For example, I and my colleagues, our relatives, have undergone and we continue to be exposed to cruel pressure from German authorities that we indefatigably protect interests of our principals and we inform the general public on the monstrous facts of infringements of human rights in Germany.


For all these years we never managed to make the way in German press though abroad — in the same Russian Federation, France, Czechia, Canada or – the facts provided by us printed the USA without problems


But only not in Germany. Firstly answered so: it is interesting, we we shall communicate. Then have already started to answer with irritation: this subject matter is irrelevant. And only journalists from Bild and Express whisper in the cabinet admitted to us, that if they will publish it, not only work will lose, but also cannot be arranged more anywhere on a speciality. To a huge regret, it is possible to ascertain with bitterness, that the majority of Russian-speaking mass-media published in Germany are afraid to criticize local authorities and are compelled to sing dithyrambs to the state system to not draw upon itself a trouble and to not be closed on far-fetched.


Entertaining reading, is not it? And from here once again arises a question: where the world public opinion looks? Where the state department of the USA, the congress and the senate looks? Dmitrij Adamow published earlier the history ( ), ceases to be something unexpected from actions of the German authorities.


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