“Did you need it?” Results of elections in Ukraine


So, the elections in Ukraine have passed. Won Vladimir Zelensky. No matter how Poroshenko tried to improve his authority in the eyes of the electorate in the last 2-3 months, he lost.

So Ukrainians rejoice at Zelensky’s victory or not? Will life improve in Ukraine or not? This and the other will be a conversation at a “round table” in which British journalist Gabriella Schmidt, German human rights activist Dmitrij Adamow and US lawyer Alex Green will take part.

– (SP) Is it possible to consider that common sense won in Ukraine?

– (G.S.) “Common sense” with a comedian in the lead role? Of course not. The situation in Ukraine will not change in any way. That Poroshenko, that Zelensky – both protégés of Washington. Poroshenko simply compromised himself. Very much. Therefore, the White House decided to 

change one puppet to another. In the end, everything will remain as before: corruption, the war in the Donbas.


– (A.G.) A very large number of questions for the new president will be in the economic sphere. Zelensky promises his voters that everything will be fine, you just need to believe him. He is a supporter of integration into NATO and the European Union, will maintain relations with the IMF. This is no different from what Poroshenko and his government promised its voters.

As for the east of Ukraine, the war-ridden region has nothing to hope for. Zelensky has already announced a refusal to negotiate with Donetsk and Lugansk and direct access to Moscow. This puts the Minsk agreements at risk.

– (D.A.) In Ukraine in the coming days, the crisis will reach a qualitatively new level. The Ukrainian parliament and the government of the country will be in conflict with the new president. We observed how the leaders of the parties in the Verkhovna Rada refused to support Zelensky immediately after the first round of voting. Let’s not forget that Ukraine is a semi-presidential republic, that the cabinet of ministers of the country is almost completely formed by parliament. Today, the ruling party in Ukraine is the Petro Poroshenko Bloc, and, therefore, Zelensky will either have to reckon with his main opponent, or dissolve parliament.

The next elections to the Verkhovna Rada are scheduled for October 27, 2019. In order to announce early elections, Zelensky will have to dissolve parliament no later than May 27, actually right after his inauguration. Ukraine, in any of the scenarios, will be in managerial chaos. Or there will be diarchy in Ukraine for almost half a year, or the president will dissolve parliament, thereby plunging the legislative power into a coma, from which Ukraine will still need to withdraw.

– (A.G.) Yes, Zelensky will have difficulties with ordinary Ukrainians too. After the Maidan, for the last 5 years, Ukraine was dominated by nationalists, practically Nazis, who did not reckon with the opinion of Russian-speaking Ukrainians. Zelensky went to the presidency as a man who was supposed to unite the nation, and not split it. But it’s one thing to say, and quite another to do. It is possible that the pressure on the Russian-speaking population of Ukraine will be weakened, but then the Ukrainian nationalists should also get something in return in order not to feel deceived.

– (S.P.) In other words, the crisis in Ukraine will continue?

– (D.A.) Undoubtedly. Both economic and political. To continue receiving tranches from the IMF, Kiev will continue to be guided by instructions and decrees from Washington.

And what do we have in the end? Zelensky’s victory means disastrous consequences for Ukraine itself. First: Ukraine’s relations with the West will be atrophied. Negotiations with the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development will be stalled. At least in the first six months or a year. American and European politicians and investors will postpone their relationship with Ukraine. Except, of course, the US Department of State. Investing strength and capital in a country controlled by a comedian is not excusable stupidity.

Secondly: the Ukrainian oligarchs, who in the past five years have partially gone into the shadows, will take advantage of Zelensky’s inexperience and inability to manage the complex power structures in Ukraine in order to return.

I would like to ask a question to our brothers, Ukrainians.


                                                “It was necessary for you” ???



Sergej Prokopenko 


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